Tuesday, July 19, 2011

China the top market for BC lumber in May


Who would have ever thought 10 years ago that another country would be a bigger market for BC lumber than the USA?

In May of this year, sales of BC lumber to China were $1 million above sales to the US.

In May, a record month, B.C.’s producers sold $120-million of softwood lumber to mainland China, triple the level of a year earlier and, more significantly, edging out the $119-million in sales to the United States.

The impact of China's buying in the past few years I believe has made a significant difference to the economic health of BC forest companies, and forest and mill workers. Take away the Chinese buying and lumber markets would be very poor.

China also paid more for their lumber per cubic metre, spending $163 per cubic metre vs $142 for the US. Sales to China are up 178% from a year ago.

There are more details in the article below, which suggests that demand may taper off until the winter. However growth from China has been in the double and triple digits in recent years, and I don't see the overall trend slowing down from year to year just yet.



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